How do I care for my reusables?
If you’re a whiz in the laundry you can let your intuition take you places and never look back. A quick reference is to handle paper towels the same way you would towels, and makeup wipes the same way you do clothes. They won’t spontaneously combust if you do wash them on hot/very hot, but they’ll last longer (especially the prints) if washed on warm/cold. It’s not recommended to put them in the dryer, and if you do they’ll likely get caught in the lint trap.
Paper towels: 9/10 times you can use a cold/warm wash and there’s no need for anything fancy. Depending on how dirty they are, you may want to soak them first in disinfectant and/or stain remover e.g. Napisan.
Makeup wipes: If necessary, soak them in stain remover prior to washing. Throw them in old a cold/warm cycle with other items. You may choose to use a mesh laundry bag to stop your hungry washing machine from having them as a snack, but they will do fine loose too.
Where are you based?
We’re based in Ōtautahi Christchurch, and everything is handmade right here by our founder Nicole.
I’m a bit nervous to take the leap into reusables, aren’t they going to make my life harder?
If we’re doing our job (and we’ve had over six years to get it right) then reusables should be a better experience than their single-use counterparts. Simply pop them in a load of washing you’d already be running anyway, and they’ll come out ready to live another day (which is sort of the point or reusables, right 😂).
Anything else?
Please give us a shout if there is anything we’re missing (and there’s probably a lot, so help a sister out 😂).