About us me

I’m Nicole, the founder of Bela. It’s taken me over six years to bring Bela to you.

Thank you for being here (like, seriously).

I’ve been making (amongst other things) reusable paper towels and makeup wipes for myself, friends and family for a long time. I’m pretty sure it got to the point where they always knew what they were going to be given for birthdays or Christmas, because it would be whatever reusable I was into at the time.

Our products are made with experience, love, and with the right care are designed to last years (which is sort of the point, because otherwise they wouldn’t be very reusable 😂).

I reckon if done right (how they’re both made and used) reusables are a better experience than their short-lived counterparts.

“…reusables are a better experience than their short-lived counterparts.”

It’s important to me that I’m close to my products, and that’s why I hand make everything here in Aotearoa New Zealand. I also believe in supporting local, and, well, that would be difficult to live up to if I weren’t making them locally!

Whether you choose my products, or I’ve simply opened your mind to the possibilities of reusables, I’ll consider my job done!

Let the fun begin